Thursday, July 21, 2016

The People Finally Win One

by Patrick Dorinson
At 11:40 pm on April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic struck an iceberg. Within a few hours she sank beneath the waves of the ice cold North Atlantic. The captain went down with the ship.
On Friday, the government of Prime Minister David Cameron and the global elitists who supported his campaign to remain in the European Union struck an electoral iceberg as fed up Britons voted to leave the EU. Cameron went down with the ship.
For their part the rest of the EU headquartered in Brussels have thrown the mother of all hissy fits and demanded on Saturday that if Britain wanted to leave they should be quick about it and not let the door hit them in the backside on the way out.
The talking heads in the American media proved once again that they are completely out of touch as they quickly demonstrated that their knowledge of the British voters and their motivations is about as good as their knowledge of American voters and what motivates them.
The media is clueless.
They fell back to their default positions that this was about angry, anti-immigrant racist white people who hate diversity and the progressive Utopia that the EU has been trying to foist on Europe for decades.
If the British elites and the American media want to look for reasons why the people resoundingly voted to leave they should look in the mirror.
They have preached their multicultural twaddle and kumbaya globalism for many years and it has had a devastating effect on not just jobs and economic growth but on the very essence of what it means to be British.
President Obama was enlisted by Prime Minister Cameron to come over to Britain to shore up support for his remain campaign back in April.
As he usually does Obama made some flip comments about how if Britain left the EU when it came to trade deals with the United States they would have to get to the “back of the queue”.
That did not sit well with the British people whether they were for or against leaving the EU.
Either by design or luck, Donald Trump just happened to be in Scotland dedicating his newly renovated golf course in Turnberry.
He was the first to comment on the issue and instead of his usual tweet he issued a detailed statement telling the British that a President Trump would strengthen the “special relationship” America has with her oldest ally.
Hillary with her staff of 700 took 10 hours before they came out with her typical “on the one hand this and on the other hand that” type of mushy statement.
Trump took a stand while Hillary took a pass for fear of not offending anyone.
At the same time elitist Republicans continued to line up against Trump.
Old Washington hand Brent Scowcroft and former Bush Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said they would not vote for Trump. Scowcroft went further saying he would vote for Hillary.
They say Trump can never win and that he will drag the whole Republican Party down with him.
What they are really saying is that the common people are too stupid to know what is good for them.
But while the establishment continues to blackball Trump from the Republican Country Club the people keep rallying to his side regardless what the useless polls say.
David Cameron rallied all the elites to his side and had the polls showing he would narrowly win and look what happened.
Come November those common people just might teach these haughty elitists a lesson in humility.
We can only hope.
So here is your Cowboy Wisdom for the Week.
“Watch it when you’re sayin’ “it can’t be done.” Someone is liable to interrupt you by doin’ it.”
In Britain the establishment elitists and pundits kept saying “it can’t be done” when referring to the Brexit vote.
The people begged to differ from their masters and did it.
In America our own elitist establishment and pundits keep saying “it can’t be done” when referring to Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is liable to interrupt them by “doin’ it”!

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