Monday, August 1, 2016

Trade Deals That Benefit Both US and Other Nations Are Possible

Max Rysztak / Bryan Riley /

In last year’s negotiations, the Information Technology Agreement was expanded to include more than 200 new products like GPS devices, printer ink cartridges, and video game systems. (Photo: iStock Photos)
In an update to its Information Technology Agreement, the World Trade Organization began the process of eliminating tariffs on hundreds of technology products, resulting in the organization’s first tariff elimination agreement in almost 20 years.
In this year of strong anti-trade sentiments, U.S. politicians and citizens should take note that good trade deals are possible.

3 Things Reagan Said About Trade That Apply Today

Owen Morgan / Bryan Riley 

President Ronald Reagan, here at a press conference in Washington on July 17, 1985, argued persuasively in support of trade. (Photo: Arthur Grace/Zuma Press/Newscom)
Ronald Reagan was an advocate of free trade throughout his presidency. But just like today, many Americans in the 1980s opposed free trade and pushed for measures that would keep the nation out of the global economy.

Crimes Against Peace: How U.S. Government Plays Judas Against Its Own Citizens

Please note: "Operation Mockingbird, CIA, NSA, Media Whores And Hoaxes" - moralmatters.orgPic attribution - Pic Source: "Why O' Why?" -
The description of “Crimes against peace” became popularized by the Nuremberg trials. It was determined that Nazi atrocities (acts of heinous aggression) which resulted in the suffering and death of millions, leading up to, and during World War 2, qualified for the designation of  “crimes against peace.” Please note below (scroll down) dictionary definitions for “crime,” “against” and “peace.”
Above pic found on the web, illustrates “Crimes against peace” (aka, crimes of aggression) following the government contrived Boston Marathon “bombing” false reality (aka, hoax, false flag, psyop). Please note the foremost “expositor” of this fraud event – “Peekay Truth” –  Note all his videos exposing the Boston scam –
– “Boston Hoaxathon Firecraker” –

Crimes Against Peace (Defined) In The Narrow Sense:

Crimes against Peace – By Steven R. Ratner –
Crimes against peace, as described by the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946, are “the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”
Also known as the crime of aggression, crimes against peace formed the first charge against the Nazis in the 1945 Charter of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. The charter defined them as “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy [to do so].” Crimes against peace are not war crimes per se, which involve unlawful conduct during war…………. –

New World Order Censorship Strikes Again: Terminates Peekay Truth YouTube Channel

If you ever desired to be certain of the ongoing attempt to heist reality, go no further than to witness, censorship (aka, online “scrubbing”/ deletion). A specific example of that (unjust) censorship can be clearly witnessed with the recent and wicked maltreatment of one of the Internet’s most explosive expositors of mainstream media propaganda, “Peekay Truth.”
Pic Source: Found on the web.
Pic Source: Found on the web.
It isn’t enough for world-wide mainstream media to have the full advantage of possessing in its back pocket, virtually all local media publication. No, that isn’t good enough. That media whoredom cabal and its prostitute handlers go out of their way to spread their molestation tentacles over every corner of Lord God’s created world.
The lust for power influence into the lives of everyday people, again struck its malevolent mark, with the destruction of the work and efforts of an independent website YouTube channel, named, “Peekay Truth.” Sinful greedy, power-hungry and murderous human nature, hasn’t changed before or after the infamous immoral Naboth’s Vineyard seizure.

Former Clinton Associate Exposes Fake News Agenda

Former Clinton associate exposes fake mainstream news agenda
A former Clinton associate and political consultant says that most mainstream media news programs are full of fake stories and government sponsored propaganda. 
Naomi Wolf told an audience that Americans are beginning to wise up to the fact that most of what they see on the news is, in fact, fake.
Naomi Wolf told an audience that Americans are beginning to wise up to the fact that most of what they see on the news is, in fact, fake.
As a journalist, to say these words, I can’t tell you with what a heavy heart I say them, but we’ve entered an era in which it is not crazy to assess news events to see if they’re real or not real, in the United States, as well as overseas, and if fact, it’s kind of crazy not to. reports:
The resounding applause that followed that extremely impactful statement serves to demonstrate quite clearly how many Americans are becoming acutely aware of their own government’s manipulation of their lives. There is a reflexive vilification of anyone speculating about the idea of a false flag in today’s society, regardless of its historical precedent, because they become a “Conspiracy Theorist” and are cast as “the crazy few.” Yet it is becoming increasingly apparent that those who are at least questioning the mainstream narrative, are in fact the many.

Trotsky: The Ignorance and the Evil

Trotsky: The Ignorance and the Evil

[Leon Trotsky • By Irving Howe • Viking Press, 1978 &bull 214 pages. This review originally appeared in Libertarian Review, March 1979.]
Leon Trotsky has always had a certain appeal for intellectuals that the other Bolshevik leaders lacked. The reasons for this are clear enough. He was a writer, an occasional literary critic — according to Irving Howe, a very good one — and an historian (of the revolutions of 1905 and 1917). He had an interest in psychoanalysis and modern developments in physics, and, even when in power, suggested that the new Communist thought-controllers shouldn’t be too harsh on writers with such ideas — not exactly a Nat Hentoff position on freedom of expression, but about as good as one can expect among Communists.

Democracy Has Been Weaponized


THE AUSTRIAN: Among those of us who are very laissez-faire, Europe’s liberal nineteenth century seems like ancient history, and people like Richard Cobden seem to be incredibly far from what is now the mainstream. And yet, leftists seem to believe that “neoliberalism” (i.e., the ideology of “limited government”) is making gains everywhere. Can you put things into perspective for us? Historically speaking, how much cache does liberalism have right now?
RALPH RAICO: Yes, today Cobden is far from the mainstream, which is a pity. He was the best classical liberal (or libertarian) theorist of international relations who ever lived, and his incisive critiques of the greatest empire of his day, Britain’s, are totally pertinent to the greatest empire of our own time, America’s.

A Modest Proposal to End Fed Independence

A Modest Proposal to End Fed Independence

  • Ben Bernanke
Joseph T. Salerno
During the period 1980s and 1990s, the desirability of the “independence from politics” of central banks became almost an article of faith among mainstream macroeconomists and those operating in financial markets. This development was driven by two factors: academic research on central banking; and the personality cults that grew up around the two Fed Chairmen during this period, Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan.
In the decade leading up to the financial crisis, the intellectual climate was such that anyone suggesting that the Fed have its independence curtailed or even abrogated by Congress would have been considered beyond the pale of rational, let alone scholarly, discussion. However, as the painful and protracted recovery from the Great Recession has dragged on, the Fed’s independence of “politics,” i.e., of legislative oversight and constraint, has begun to be challenged even by economists and financial pundits.

Campaigns Spawn Really Bad Economics

Campaigns Spawn Really Bad Economics

  • Trump and Hillary

William L. Anderson

Presidential elections in the United States spawn Really Bad Economic Policies, and 2016 is a vintage year. Bernie Sanders is resurrecting socialism, and others seek to outdo him. However, before leaping into the abyss of campaign rhetoric, I first note that none of the current candidates are doing what Ron Paul did during his presidential primary campaign four years ago: expose misdoings of the Federal Reserve System.
Without Paul, candidates approve of the Fed’s Eternal Bubble Machine that sends false investment signals, and drives crony capitalism malinvestments that either must be liquidated in the future or will continue to gobble resources from profitable sectors. Indeed, one wonders if any of the candidates realize the damage the Fed is doing.

Austrian Economics and the Entrepreneur

Austrian Economics and the Entrepreneur

  • entrepreneur
Nathan Bond
Nathan Bond, 30, is an entrepreneur and the cofounder of Rifle Paper Co., based in Winter Park, Florida. Founded in 2009, the company has since expanded worldwide. We recently spoke with Bond about his support for the Mises Institute and how Austrian economics has impacted the way he does business.
THE AUSTRIAN: How did you first discover the Mises Institute?
NATHAN BOND: I believe it was sometime around 2008 following the housing bubble. I was in my early 20s at the time and trying to make sense of the situation, and the Mises Institute as well as fellow travelers in Austrian economic circles seemed to be the only ones who had any truly developed (or at least convincing) work on why booms and busts even happen. From there, I was immediately taken in by how engaging the material was and refreshed to discover an economic methodology that puts the emphasis on human behavior and the choices of individuals rather than a bunch of aggregates.

The Free Lunch Is Over

The Free Lunch Is Over

  • burned dollar
If there is one overriding economic myth that plagues us today it is the notion that society can do collectively what we cannot do individually: get rich by living today at the expense of tomorrow. It is the doctrine of the political class, professional economists, and central bankers. It is monetary and fiscal hedonism masquerading as technical analysis. And, it leads to fiscal default. It is arguably the biggest untold story of our time, but you won’t hear about it from Hillary or Bernie or Donald.

Obama’s Last Big Military Gamble

Barack Obama has faced an onslaught of criticism about his reluctance to get involved in the bloody civil war in Syria. Critics claim his reticence has enabled Bashar al-Assad to butcher men, women and children at will in cities like Aleppo, without fear of retribution, in a conflict that has raged for more than 6 years.
American foot-dragging in Syria has also given the green light to Vladimir Putin and to the theocratic Iranian regime to increase their support for Assad and to expand their influence in the Middle East. Obama’s only focus in the zone has been the fight against Daesh (ISIS) and in Syria this has manifested itself indirectly in America backing the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), arch-enemies of the USA’s main regional ally and NATO stalwart – Turkey.

Gary Johnson Has A Seemingly Tenuous Relationship With Libertarian Ideals

The presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party is not all he claims to be, according to recent reports.
Some of the main tenants of Libertarian ideology, as described on the Libertarian Party’s website, are personal  liberty, fiscal responsibility of government, self-ownership, and self-determination. Former New Mexico Governor and candidate for president Gary Johnson allegedly does not embody all of these principles.
Critics point to the fact that during his tenure as Governor of New Mexico (1995-2003), he increased the debt from $2.7 billion to $3.9 billion, according to Reason.

Michael Moore Explains Why Donald Trump Will Win In November – And It Actually Makes Perfect Sense

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Michael Moore - Photo by Nicolas Genin
Michael Moore is a radical leftist that is trying to destroy everything that America once stood for, but for once he is making sense.  In his recent article entitled “5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win“, he makes a compelling case for why Donald Trump could win the election in November.  I can’t remember the last time I actually agreed with Michael Moore about something, but in this instance I do.  The American people are very angry and very frustrated, and they want someone that is going to shake things up in Washington.  Needless to say, that is not going to be Hillary Clinton.  According to Real Clear Politics, Trump has won five of the last six major national polls, and top Democrats are starting to understand that they could actually lose to the New York billionaire.

Terror Attacks And Mass Killings Are Becoming A Daily Event

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Globe On Fire - Public Domain
Terror attacks and mass killings are happening so rapidly now that it is really difficult to keep up with them all.  In fact, as you will see below, so far there have been several this week alone.  This latest attack in France during which radical Islamic terrorists slit the throat of a Catholic priest was particularly disturbing.  Just a few days ago I warned that churches in the western world would be targeted, and now it is happening.  According to, there have been 1274 Islamic terror attacks in 2016.  These attacks have been spread across 50 different nations, and as a result of these attacks more than 11,000 people have been killed and more than 14,000 people have been injured.  When are we going to finally wake up and understand how serious this threat really is?
Very few people would have imagined that a sleepy Catholic church in France would be the target of an Islamic terror attack on Tuesday morning, but that is precisely what happened.  The following description of the attack comes from the New York Times

War Is Coming And The Global Financial Situation Is A Lot Worse Than You May Think

city skyscrapers clock time stopwatch seconds - public domain
On the surface, things seem pretty quiet in mid-July 2016.  The biggest news stories are about the speculation surrounding Donald Trump’s choice of running mate, the stock market in the U.S. keeps setting new all-time record highs, and the media seems completely obsessed with Taylor Swift’s love life.  But underneath the surface, it is a very different story.  As you will see below, the conditions for a “perfect storm” are coming together very rapidly, and the rest of 2016 promises to be much more chaotic than what we have seen so far.

19.4 Trillion Dollars In Debt – We Have Added 1.1 Trillion Dollars A Year To The National Debt Under Obama

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Debt Debt And More Debt - Public Domain
In 2006, U.S. Senator Barack Obama’s voice thundered across the Senate floor as he boldly declared that “increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.”  That was one of the truest things that he ever said, but just a couple of years later he won the 2008 election and he turned his back on those principles.  As I write this article, the U.S. national debt is sitting at a grand total of $19,402,361,890,929.46.  But when Barack Obama first entered the White House, our federal government was only 10.6 trillion dollars in debt.  That means that we have added an average of 1.1 trillion dollars a year to the national debt under Obama, and we still have about six more months to go.

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